
130lbs Down - Now I'm Renewing My Vows | BRAND NEW ME

2023-05-16 13 Dailymotion

WHITNEY King, 32, from Montana, lost her dad to ALS-Lou Gehrig's, a rare progressive disease at the age of 11. From his terminal diagnosis when she was six years old, Whitney began to gain weight, using food as a comfort. By the end of high school, she weighed 230lbs. After meeting her husband, the couple had a miscarriage, causing Whitney to gain more weight. She told Truly: "My relationship with food when I was overweight was not good, I was an emotional eater." Continuing she said: "I had thoughts [that] I'm not good enough, I'm not worthy enough. When I first met my husband, I thought 'why would he even want to be with me?'" At her heaviest, Whitney weighed 269lbs. Then in 2014, the couple managed to have their first child. Thinking of her dad, Whitney didn’t want her son to grow up without a parent as she had done. "Going through the pregnancy with my oldest son made me have that light bulb go off to where I was like, 'I need to lose the weight'." When her baby was two months old Whitney decided to put her health and the future of her family first: "I thought I can't be selfish, I can't leave you. I know how traumatic that was without a parent." Through a combination of home workouts and careful portion control, Whitney lost a total of 130lbs. She has three stepkids and three biological children, always working around them to make her weight loss last. Now she wants to inspire other mothers and show that it’s possible to lose weight naturally. When she was starting her fitness journey she would post "in a lot of fit fitness groups on Facebook, I'd post my progress pictures and I would get tons of messages from women asking for help asking what I ate, asking what exercises I did," she explained. Two years ago she decided to turn her passion into a business and started coaching women on the same path as her. In this episode of Brand New Me Whitney compares her size now to the wedding dress she once wore, with plans to renew her vows with her husband. "On my wedding day, like I felt miserable, uncomfortable," she said. "It should be a happy day and you feel confident and loved. And I did feel loved, but I didn't love myself." Whitney finally goes dress shopping for the big day ahead, to get the gown she desires to show off her new look and life.

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